Learning Through Play Site & Shop 4k Email, $270/mo
Learning Through Play Site & Shop 4k Email, $270/mo
- Date added: Added 3 months ago
- Category: Established Sites For Sale
- Niche: Education, Home And DIY, Parenting and Mom Blogs
- Status: Available
- Website live since: 2020
- Pageviews Per Month: Under 10,000 Pageviews
- Earning Per Month: under $1000/mo
This educational site encourages learning through play with content written by a teacher and mother. Continue growing a loyal audience with 4000 email subscribers and a social following. This nearly 5 year old site receives impressive organic traffic and earns from multiple streams of revenue, including a shop full of educational content, with room for growth with your favorite ad network.
Discover Play with Littles offers practice, actionable advice, tips, and activities to help kids and parents combat the daily struggles they face while preparing them for Kindergarten and beyond. You'll also inherit 2 courses: Super Kid Adventures and Mastering My Emotions for Kids.
The site's SHOP PAGE is packed with creative learning activities to help kids:
- tackle emotions
- learn essential life skills
- embrace family activities
- master fine motor skills
- practice handwriting and letter recognition
This site is monetized, averaging $270/mo through:
- Product sales
- Course Sales
- Amazon
- Kids Cook Real Food Affiliate
This educational site includes:
- 66 articles
- 4000 email subscribers
- Pinterest account
- Digital products and courses
Learning Through Play Site & Shop 4k Email, $270/mo
In the last 30 days, the site has received:
- 3.6k pageviews
- 3.2k sessions
- 2.6k active users
This site is monetized through multiple revenue streams, averaging $270/mo through:
- Product sales
- Course Sales
- Amazon
- Kids Cook Real Food Affiliate
How To Buy This Business
Contact us with any questions, and to inquire about this or any of our other listings below:
Revenue & Expenses
- Revenue Details: digital products and courses, affiliate links
- Monetization:
- P&L: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nxjxogMoSDJCghymVA9OgERbz0-q89HFwiMmUqUTpaw/edit?usp=sharing
Listing Details
- Platform: WordPress
- Domain: discoveryplaywithlittles.com
- Approx. Number Of Articles: 66
- Social Accounts Included: Instagram, Facebook Page, Pinterest
- Approx. Social Followers: 1000
- Email List Subscribers: 4000
Seller Q&A
- If you were going to keep the site, what steps would you take over the next 3 to 6 months to grow the income and traffic?: I would host and participate in bundles.
- How often do you email your list?: 1-2 time per week
- What is your current open rate and click rate?: Average open rate: 50.9%, click rate .98%
- Where does most of your income generate from?: My products, I participate in bundles and have hosted my own bundles to drive traffic and that works really well.
- Who wrote the content?: I did (seller is a mom and former teacher)
Submit an offer
Contact Listing Agent:
This Education, Home And DIY, Parenting and Mom Blogs niche website is for sale at Niche Investor. This digital property is earning under $1000/mo (approx) and is listed at $8,000. The website launched in 2020. It's listed in the Established Sites For Sale category and is currently Available.
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