Current Events + Pop Culture News Sites Bundle Earning $4130/Month
Current Events + Pop Culture News Sites Bundle Earning $4130/Month
- Date added: Added 4 months ago
- Category: Established Sites For Sale
- Niche: Lifestyle, Sports And Entertainment, Tech And Business
- Website live since: 2021
- Pageviews Per Month: 10,000 - 50,000 Pageviews, 50,000 - 100,000 Pageviews
- Earning Per Month: over $1000/mo, over $3000/mo
Acquire this deal and you'll own not one but two profitable news websites with a dedicated fan base! With an active list of over 200k email subscribers and over 100k pageviews a month combined, these two news sites for sale have plenty or untapped monetization opportunities for you to explore.
This listing includes a current events news website as well as a pop culture website, sharing content related to trending topics and events from politics to celebrity and sports.
2 News Websites Opportunity $4130/Mo Combined
Site 1:
- Established in November 2022
- 5800+ articles
- politics
- US news
- world news
- crime & other
- pop culture section recently added
- 105k email subscribers
Site 2:
- Established in September 2021
- 5700+ articles
- pop culture
- sports
- crime
- health
- supernatural
- 99k email subscribers
From the seller: We have lists of about 100k for Next Gen (105k) and Real Deal (99k) but we try to send to only the most active on a regular basis which ends up being around 50k for each. Strategy for newsletters: For each site, we send 4-5 newsletters a day with just a title image and read more link for the new article with the banner ads. We also have recent posts listed at the bottom in case they missed one.
- 72k sessions
Next Gen News Google Analytics RealDealNews:
last 20 days:
- 54k sessions
*Inquire for GA viewing access
Both news sites earn from various ad companies:
- Google Adsense
- Taboola
- Jeeng
- Adskeeper
- LiveIntent (an email based advertisement company)
Seller has recently switched newsletter providers, saving an average of $1,000/mo in expenses
How To Buy This Business
Contact us with any questions, and to inquire about this or any of our other listings below:
Revenue & Expenses
Listing Details
- Platform: WordPress
- Domain: and
- Approx. Number Of Articles: 11500
- Social Accounts Included: Other
- Email List Subscribers: 205000
- Additional items included: Both sites use network ads in their newsletter (Liveintent) and on the site (Taboola) alongside other ad networks (see P&L for breakdown). The seller is looking to sell the sites to free up time to focus on their other sites. Both sites have dedicated fan bases and the owners will continue to work on them until the right buyer is found.
Seller Q&A
- If you were going to keep the site, what steps would you take over the next 3 to 6 months to grow the income and traffic?: We recently updated the ads and the theme of the site to increase performance. We would continue this process and invest in driving more traffic to the site.
- How often do you email your list?: 4-5 times daily with article alerts.
- What is your current open rate and click rate?: 35-55% OR and 3-15% CTR with the 50k list. We have a larger list but only send to the most active subscribers to save on sending costs. Campaigner is our ESP, we have a large account with them with a few different newsletters. Send costs are around .26 rpm.
- Where does most of your income generate from?: Network ads (Adsense, Taboola and Jeeng)
- Who wrote the content?: I currently write my own content based on breaking news stories. Images sourced from: WordPress offers free image subscriptions included in the plan. We also make our own images from news coverage and other open sources.
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This Lifestyle, Sports And Entertainment, Tech And Business niche website is for sale at Niche Investor. This digital property is earning over $1000/mo, over $3000/mo (approx) and is listed at $97,500. The website launched in 2021. It's listed in the Established Sites For Sale category and is currently .
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