7yo Pregnancy & Motherhood MediaVine Site $608/m
7yo Pregnancy & Motherhood MediaVine Site $608/m
- Date added: Added 2 days ago
- Category: Established Sites For Sale
- Niche: Parenting and Mom Blogs
- Status: Available
- Website live since: 2017
- Pageviews Per Month: Under 10,000 Pageviews
- Earning Per Month: under $1000/mo
Launched in 2017, this pregnancy & parenting site offers practical, mom-approved advice to help women thrive during pregnancy & celebrate the ups and downs of the newborn phase & motherhood. With plenty of room for content expansion in the parenting niche, the site offers its new owner socials, engaged email subscribers, and over 200 articles.
This established site earns through multiple revenue streams, including MediaVine with endless affiliate possibilities to continue growth.
Blunders in Babyland offers articles & resources on topics including:
- pregnancy
- birth preparations, expectations, & complications
- nursery designs
- infant sleep
- breastfeeding
- new mom resources
This established site includes:
- 238 articles
- Pinterest acct.
- Facebook Page
- 963 Email Subscribers
- OPEN RATE 67.46% CTR 21.43%
7yo Pregnancy & Motherhood MediaVine Site $608/m
This pregnancy & parenting site received:
- 10k session
- 14k pageviews
BlundersInBabyland is earning through multiple revenue streams, averaging $608/mo. See P&L Here
Q&A w/ the Seller:
What are the operating procedures for running this business?
-Content Creation-
Typically, I create a hybrid of evergreen and seasonal content. Seasonal content is created based on trending topics and keywords on Pinterest. Evergreen content is keyword-researched and written for SEO.
-Graphic Creation-
2-3 in-post images, created with PicMonkey. Pictures may be stock or taken by myself.
2 pins for Pinterest.
All posts are published to Pinterest in advance. Articles are also shared on Facebook and Flipboard.
Currently, I publish a new article 1-2 times a week and pin frequently on Pinterest.
If you were going to keep the site, what steps would you take over the next 3 to 6 months to grow the income and traffic?
I would grow my email list and promote my most profitable posts on Facebook/Instagram with organic content and ads. I would also increase the frequency of my newsletter, making it bi-weekly. This would allow me to promote key affiliate sales and recommend more trusted products to subscribers.
How To Buy This Business
Contact us with any questions, and to inquire about this or any of our other listings below:
Revenue & Expenses
- Revenue Details: mediavine
- Monetization:
- P&L: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/147qfP6xbkzD-nT7YfvuTz7BmVKu3gVlHkK-1oNsAS9A/edit?usp=sharing
Listing Details
- Platform: WordPress
- Domain: blundersinbabyland.com
- Approx. Number Of Articles: 238
- Social Accounts Included: Instagram, Facebook Page, Pinterest, Other
- Approx. Social Followers: 11667
- Email List Subscribers: 963
- Additional items included: flipbook
Submit an offer
Contact Listing Agent:
This Parenting and Mom Blogs niche website is for sale at Niche Investor. This digital property is earning under $1000/mo (approx) and is listed at $16,000. The website launched in 2017. It's listed in the Established Sites For Sale category and is currently Available.
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